A dude diving into a pool at a party.

DH 2021 Opening – Reservations and Information

Members –

Summer is here and we are excited to welcome you back to the pool!  We understand that many of you are disappointed that our opening will continue some of the COVID restrictions we had in place at the end of last year and please know that we’re disappointed as well. The operating rules to open the summer may be found on the website here DHARA COVID-19 Phase 3 Procedures In this note, we hope to give you some better insight into the reasons for the continuation of those restrictions and welcome everyone to discuss at our next Board meeting on May 13.  Details are below.

Reservations System:

Our Vendor, Membersplash, released their new tool on Wednesday night and unfortunately, it is not as functional as we’d like.  We have been working with them to update the tool and if anything changes we will alert you to the change.

The good news is, we are able to go live at 9PM THURSDAY MAY 6 to take reservations through May 22!! This will allow us to open but, not lock ourselves into anything, as we are awaiting updates from the VA Governor’s office on May 15.

For now, you can access the system by:

  1. Logging in at https://dominionhills.org/.
  2. On the Manage Account page, after you login you will see “Reservations” in the blue menu bar.
  3. Click on “Reservations.”
  4. Select “Make a Reservation”.
  5. From there you will be able to find a day and time that has availability, and make your reservation.

To select Family Swim or Lap Swim, simply use the drop down on the top left of the reservation page and you will be presented with the alternate calendar.

PLEASE NOTE: You will make your reservation for the start time of your reservation.  The reservation will appear to be for only 15 minutes, but that is not the case.  Your reservation will be for a half hour, 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 75 minutes depending on the type of swim you reserved.  We are working with Membersplash to improve this process.

Retention of the Reservation System

We have heard from many of you that you want the Board to do away with the reservation system.  Unfortunately, pools remain under COVID restrictions that cap our capacity at 75% of the lowest pool capacity and require that members remain no closer than ten feet apart. Water Operations Mandatory Requirements

The relevant language is: “Outdoor and indoor swimming pools may be open provided occupancy is limited to no more than 75 percent of the lowest occupancy load on the certificate of occupancy and all swimmers maintain at least ten feet of physical distance from others who are not Family members.”

The available open space around the pool limits the number of families who can come in while ensuring there is enough room to maintain ten feet of distance between families.  The Board has worked with staff to determine how many members we can space out on the deck while adhering to the mandatory social distancing requirements, and we allow access up to that capacity.  Given the limits of our footprint and the Board’s mandate to ensure that our entire community has an equitable opportunity to access the pool, we are retaining the registration system at this time.  This decision is temporary and in response to current conditions.  As conditions improve we will revisit this decision.

Retention of Rope Barriers

Again, we have heard from many of you expressing disappointment that the rope barriers will continue to be in use at our pool.  We appreciate the feedback and are actively seeking a better solution, including discussions with the Virginia Department of Health, which maintains our license and has confirmed as recently as earlier this week their view that the mandatory capacity and distance restrictions remain in force.

We are open to removing the ropes and markings, but emphasize that doing so will not increase capacity.   It will simply place the burden on members to measure their own distance and may require the hiring of additional staff to enforce the distancing.

Operating Rules

You can access the Operating Rules here: DHARA COVID-19 Phase 3 Procedures The Board will amend the Rules as conditions develop.


The Board is planning special events we can hold throughout the season while also complying with the capacity and distance restrictions as mandated by our license.May Board Meeting. We appreciate your interest in the coming season and welcome creative solutions to the mandatory distancing requirement.  Below are the details for the Board call.

DHARA May Board Meeting – May 13, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 5597 8015 / Passcode: 785064
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 897 5597 8015
Passcode: 785064
For those who cannot make the time of the meeting a recording will be provided for your access.
Thank you for your patience as we work toward a great pool season.
–DHARA Board