Last day of school hours
I was just wondering if it’s possible to open the pool earlier on the last day of school for APS (June 17). The elementary students have a half day and I think older students are already out. Thanks for your consideration!
June 6, 2022
Last day of school hours
I was just wondering if it’s possible to open the pool earlier on the last day of school for APS (June 17). The elementary students have a half day and I think older students are already out. Thanks for your consideration!
June 7, 2022
Alternating free swim and adult brunch
I was thinking it could be really nice for families who like to go to the pool on weekend mornings to be able to go on Sunday mornings. With kids who still nap and working parents( so the weekends are the only time for the pool) not being able to go until 11 am doesn’t work. I totally understand that it’s nice for adults to have time at the pool without children but from what I witnessed once and have heard, adult brunch isn’t used very much. Would the pool consider alternating weeks of Sunday adult brunch and sundays open to all? Thanks!
June 8, 2022
Middle school early release - 1pm opening?
Thank you, thank you for opening the pool early on the two elementary early release days on 6/15 & 6/17. Any chance it can open at 1pm on 6/16? It is the last day of school for our middle schoolers and they get out early that day. Thanks for your consideration and thanks for such a rejuvenated and responsive board. The atmosphere at the pool is great!
June 9, 2022
expand offering at Quake shack
With summer upon us, would it be possible to add 1-2 microwaves and frozen pizza/burritos, etc.?
June 10, 2022
Open early on 6/16?
Hi there. The last day for Middle School in Arlington is Thursday, June 16 and it is an early release day. My kids are DYING to go to the pool with their friends on that day. Is there any way to open the pool at 1pm instead of 3pm?
Thanks for considering,
Danielle Gerber
June 11, 2022
Cornhole tournament
A cornhole tournament for adults and kids on the front lawn
June 14, 2022
Two thoughts
1. Because it annoys me that people keep asking dumb hours questions that are literally on the website. Put a banner/announcement/sticky at the top of the FB page directly to the Pool Calendar so that people can see hours, special events, etc. I mean, some people will still ask and want others to do the work for them, but it may cut down on lazy posts.
2. I know I mentioned this to a few of you, but to put it here. Get a red STOP sign decal to place on each of the Bulkhead orange signs. Little kids can't read and adults ignore it. STOP signs are universally understood and might cut down on issues.
June 15, 2022
website improvements
Is it possible to put at the top of the home page that day's hours? Less digging and confusion - especially during the early/late season? THANKS for considering!
June 15, 2022
Open up free swim space on big days
I was wondering if the Board would consider reducing the number of lanes to 1 or 2 on days when the pool is particularly crowded (today, the last day of school, it’s extremely crowded and plus there are lessons). This also happens on Memorial Day and I’m sure other big summer weekends. The pool gets very crowded for just a couple hours, while the lanes are sparse. Would the Board consider reducing the number of lap lanes during these busy times? Thank you!!!
June 17, 2022
Thank you
June 19, 2022
Stencil the Thunder Duck on the Parking Wall
Please consider dressing up the newly painted parking lot wall with our new mascot, a Thunder Duck. Acquire a stencil and go to town.
June 20, 2022
Kids night rescheduled
My son love kids night and is looking forward to the party tonight. It looks like the weather won’t allow the party to happen. Instead of canceling, could you reschedule for next week. I think a lot of kids like my son love kids night and would be disappointed if the party gets canceled.
June 22, 2022
Pizza and Movie Babysitting During Adult Dinner
Would it be possible to setup a kids night during the adult dinner where parents could pay to drop off kids in the clubhouse where they would be supervised and possibly have pizza and a movie? I know for us that finding a babysitter for the dinner is the hardest part of attending.
June 28, 2022
Bring A Float Day
High Point Pool in Falls Church allows people to bring in their own float/raft during designated times. It is a really fun time for everyone! I think this would help change our reputation for being so stuffy, full of rules, and not family-friendly. See "Raft Night and Other Raft Sessions" on their rules page at:
thanks for considering!
June 29, 2022
Lap Swim Idea
On July 4th, the pool was open 11 am - 6 pm. It was a great pool day! To accommodate the high number of swimmers, the lap lanes were reduced to 1 and the deeper lap lanes were corded off to allow for more swimmers. Kudos to the pool manager who switched those back to lap lanes around 3 pm when there were more lap swimmers attempting to swim laps in those areas then children playing in the same lanes and the rest of the pool was not crowded.
On those days when the pool expects to reduce the lap lines, why not add another lap swim session earlier in the day? On July 4th, a session could have been added before 11 am. This way, all members who have a day off can enjoy the pool. Just a thought…..
July 5, 2022
Floatie Night
One night where everyone can bring noodles, inflatables, any kind of floaties and just relax in the pool!
July 10, 2022
Kids love the basketball hoop but there is often a wait to get a turn. Possible to add a second one?
July 10, 2022
Fees for adult-only households
Hi -
My per-use cost is very high because now I'm the only member of my household using the pool. Is the board discussing any possibilities for adult-only or single-adult households? I have several friends who used to be members, but left because of this same issue.
Cynthia Core
July 19, 2022
Water bottle refill station
Hi. I would love to see a water bottle refill station. I think this would be environmentally friendly and also used a lot during swim meets (instead of the plastic bottles) as well as during regular pool hours. I know the piping is an issue, but I would suggest not putting it where the current water fountain is as that area is not accessible during swim meets. I think up by the bathrooms would be great, or if it is easiest, even in the bathrooms (one in each bathroom). I imagine this was all discussed during the bathroom reno, but just wanted to put a note out there again. Thanks for all of your work and for considering.
July 19, 2022
Music on the weekends
During 4th of July weekend, there was some fantastic music playing at the pool! It really made it feel like some great summer fun. I'd love to see music being played all day Saturday and Sunday. John did a great job with the music!
July 26, 2022
9/2 Pool Hours
If there is enough staff, can the pool open earlier on September 2 since there’s no school? Thanks!
July 31, 2022
Cleaning Crew
Hi, DH Board Members,
I think we should hire a cleaning crew to clean the bathrooms 1 day/week. It can be something as simple & easy as Merry Maids, etc. We can work this modest fee into our dues.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, the bathrooms are gross. 🙂 And I know I'm not the only one that thinks this. Even my kids mention the bathroom - tons of hair in the showers, toilet paper all over the floors, brown skids (caked on) in the toilets (I think you know what this means, ha), etc. I know all of these things are going to happen in a bathroom - especially a pool (wet conditions) and families (lots of kids) but I do think there is an opportunity to make sure our bathrooms are cleaned. As a former lifeguard - 8 years and various pools - we were required to clean the bathrooms as part of our job. If this is not something we require our staff to do, that's okay! - but we need an alternative.
Happy to talk more, or explore options/prices for the pool.
July 31, 2022
Stop the Slip
My family’s suggestion is to add a sand type covering or mats to the bathroom floors. They are super slippery when they are wet and we have seen several people fall the this swim season.
Thanks for the consideration.
July 31, 2022
Member Directory - search by first name
Hi -
Can we ,modify the online member directory so that it allows searching by first name?? Currently, it allows only last name searches - which is not nearly as helpful when you meet someone at the pool and get only their first name.
Hope this is useful,
September 6, 2022