September hours

Courtney Desautels

Background: I remember as a parent of young kids I did not understand why the pool opened so late after school. Now as a parent of a high schooler (who is also a staff member) I wonder about the September hours.
It might be worth looking at the ability to staff the pool in September after school due to decrease of staff availability and who uses the pool at that time.
1) Fewer kids are available to guard. I see the availability of the kids who can guard and it is drastically lower than during the summer due to college and also high schoolers have schoolwork, coaching jobs, and activities that prevent them from signing up for more shifts. For Labor Day weekend my daughter signed up for 2 shifts (the Friday day off of school, and Saturday) but help was needed for the picnic so she signed up for that day as well…totally 27 hours for four days. And I think they were still short staffed.

2)In addition to staffing issues, it raises the question of who is using the pool at these hours?
From my understanding it is often adult members waiting to use the pool after school.
Maybe we could offer adult swim til 415pm with different staffing/check in requirements? 4:15 allows kids to take the bus (on days my daughter worked at the pool I am fortunate to have job flexibility to pick her up at school so she can make it in time.) The kids get out of class at 3:10 at Yorktown. We make it home by 3:30. For the pool to open at 4, she should be there at 345, which gives very little time to change, grab a snack, and get to the pool. (and her days start at 4am with her swim club so she can’t bring her wet stuff to school to go directly to the pool to guard).
Or just adult swim after school and then the pool is open to everyone on Fridays and the weekends? I think for adult swim we just have the manager on duty, I am not sure if that is the case or if there is a manager available? I know this does not help parents with elementary kids and younger.

Idea: To help entice more guards, I heard other pools offered over time pay for hours worked in September. I don't think money is the issue, I think it is lack of time, but it might help attract a few more guards in those months.

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September 20, 2022