Amount Due for Regular Members
- Payment by*
- March 15, 2020
- April 15. 2020
- April 30, 2019
- Late Fee
- 0
- $100
- $225
- Total Due
- $890**
- $990
- $1,115
*Payments by mail must be postmarked by the dates above. **Emeritus members pay $415.
IMPORTANT: If your AMC and late fees have not been paid in full by April 30, 2020, your membership can be condemned, revoked and sold according to DHARA rules. Also, you will not be allowed into the facility until all fees have been paid. Please ensure your email address is correct in the membership portal. See details below for logging in.
Two Options for Paying Your Bill
Mail Your Payment: Send a check with your membership # in the memo line to: Dominion Hills Area Recreation Association, P.O. Box 5643, Arlington, VA 22205
Pay Online: Log into the membership portal to pay your bill (credit processing fee applies of 2.9% +$.30).
- If you’ve forgotten your username or password – or don’t know it – use the reset password feature (small link at the bottom of the login page). Just use an email address associated with your DHARA account, and if a matching account is found, a reset link will be mailed to the address you enter.
- Once logged in, you are able to pay your bill – as well as purchase guest credits and more.
Renting or Selling Your Membership
- Memberships may be rented out to non-members for the summer for a $50 fee. (They can be rented only twice during the course of ownership.)
- If you do not sell or rent your membership by March 15, your AMC is still due in full by the timelines above.
- If you’re interested in selling or renting your membership, contact Julie Jernigan, Membership Recorder, at 703-531-0770 or no later than March 1, 2020.
Other Information
- The fee to register a Childcare Provider (CC) is $50. You can reactivate last year’s provider, or identify a new childcare provider, by sending a note along with your mailed dues payment – with the additional $50 fee included in your payment. (You can also pay this fee online, then email with the name, birthdate and cell phone number of the provider.)
- The Membership Directory is online and searchable. Access it from the Membership drop-down menu on the website (you must be logged in). DHARA does not share information outside its membership. (Once logged into the website, you also can opt out of being included in the directory.)
- Make sure your membership information is up to date before the pool opens! Log into the membership portal. Update your email, view family members, pay your bill, and more. NOTE: The pool opens in mid-May. Updates will be sent via email, so ensure your email information is current.