DHARA COVID-19 Update – May 7, 2020
Dear DHARA Members,
As we continue navigating the COVID-19 crisis as a community, we wanted to update you on where we currently stand. We also ask for your patience and understanding as we make our way through this unprecedented time. This will not be a normal season. We won’t have answers for every question, and there’s much we don’t know at this point. We encourage you to work with us as we plan and adjust over the coming months.
We are closely monitoring news and guidance from the state. The Governor’s Stay at Home order currently runs through June 10. On May 4, Governor Northam released high level guidelines for reopening Virginia, which includes several phases. There are no details on what phase pools may fall into. Therefore, we do not know when the state will permit pools to open. It also appears, for now, that once pools are permitted to open, there will be some level of restriction on the number of people allowed at the pool, as well as other possible guidelines or recommendations.
While we wait for further guidance from the state, we are taking steps to prepare the pool to open as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. Unfortunately, some necessary steps are outside of the board’s control, including obtaining needed permits. Moreover, the board is making its own determinations regarding the safety of our community. As such, it is possible that the pool may not open immediately after the state determines that it is free to do so. Please watch your email and the website for further updates.
Here’s an overview of steps that are being taken:
The board has convened a task group, along with the pool manager, to discuss options for our potential opening. This includes plans and policies for member and staff safety and, if we are restricted in the number of individuals permitted to be at the pool at any given time, equitable and manageable plans and policies for both our members’ access and our staff. As we know more, we’ll share those plans.
Our pool manager also is communicating with colleagues at other pools, and we’re reaching out to other nearby pool boards.
We continue to take practical steps toward an eventual opening. The pool has been drained, cleaned, and refilled. The project to rebuild the pump room is completed, along with the project to stop erosion under the deck. The pool manager has been working on staffing for the pool. And new furniture or refreshed furniture is in place.
Grounds clean-up has started, though normally about this time we would have had our grounds clean-up day. We do still NEED your help to get things ready though. Please learn more and sign up to help on specific tasks, with social distancing measures in place.
Finally, stay tuned for further updates over the coming weeks as we have more to share. In the meantime, please stay well and healthy.
Best to all,
The DHARA Board